Thursday, November 12, 2009

From White to Black "Belts"

Whether your journey is how do I become a Black-Belt, in fact or as a symbolic representation of achieving an expertise OR as a measure of overcoming extraordinarily challenging odds OR for you, it's the discipline it takes to reach for and concur a special goal, whatever the mission, for many of us at some point (or frequently) it's ALL about; what's to eat!?

Please join me, like minded peeps, family and friends on adventures & stories through many challenges and choices of mostly a very, VERY hungry Martial Artist, athlete, Husband (of a newly crowned Yellow-Belt), honey-doer, sometimes homemaker/wrecker, and frustrated Home-Cook (will cook in your Home too;), etc. I'm excited to share with ALL of you some 'faves', necessity "must-haves" and "go-tos" to Power-Foods that have hit the mark, received applause and/or gotten some real results or even those that have 'wrinkled-up a nose' or two. It's NOT all going to be peaches-n-cream, oh NO! Let's face IT, we can't ALL be Rachel Ray! And, I must admit that if I've learned anything it IS; what "I" will eat just because..., isn't always or "ever" the best choice for say; my wife or others. Some stories in posts will often reveal a sense of humor, sooooo, you'll relate! I hope you can dig-into my foodie follies, successes and flub-ups with a bit-O-comedy on-the-side for good measure!

How I or WE (oops) will do-it? You ask. With "hip clips, pics and helpful tips" to make recipes easy-er, fast tasty-n-fun, will ALL be on-tap, for sure! Time-n-money saving tips, ideas for everything from creature-comforts to Super Power-Foods to feed & entertain a busy, active lifestyle and households are on the Menu. I am so excited also, to hear about how it worked-FOR or helped YOU (or NOT) with your spin and feedback. Remember; "Feedback" is one of the many "Breakfasts of Champions"! I can't take creds for that one. More soon...


  1. this is looking great and certainly promises to be informative and even entertaining! as someone who is exploring more and more healthy meal options for my family, i look forward to reading more from you!


  2. if someone doesn't like your recipe will it mean a swift kick to the stomach for removal? j/k Keep up the good work. Great blog.

  3. I am a BWC alum and am visiting the new blogs. This looks interesting. You seem young for 446 years! But since you asked about what "stranded food" would I choose --> fresh ripe mangoes. I'd eat them every day for every meal! :)

    Best wishes.

  4. Osu, Happy New Year to you and yours. Loved the Bugo on Jan 2nd. I'm now catching up on my reading (Obviously, I'm months behind).

    I think this blog concept has potential. Even in the little that has been written, you strike a number of cords that could have appeal to many people:
    - Career transition & self reinvention
    - Martial Arts
    - Nutritional eating
    - Cooking

  5. Dear Jon, I vow to get back on this Blog horse for 2010. I'm re-exited to the possibilities and delighted by the few comments & suggestions I've rcvd. This IS gonna be a great Year and putting my Blog into full gear shall be a hi-light. Thanks every1 for the great teachings and tramendous support. Happy NEWs Year;). Enjoy Peace =J

